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La Pietra Celebrates 60 Years of Empowering Young Women

September 9th, 2024

celebrating 60 years of empowering young women

La Pietra Head of School Jennifer Grems reflects on the school's founding and the exciting path forward.

September 9, 2024 marks a significant milestone in the history of La Pietra – Hawai‘i School for Girls. On this day in 1964, Hawai‘i School for Girls first opened its doors, beginning a journey that has since shaped the lives of over 1,700 women. This year, the school celebrates its 60th anniversary, honoring six decades of empowering young women to lead lives of purpose, passion, and impact.

Founded by visionary leaders Lorraine Day Cooke and Barbara Cox Anthony, La Pietra has grown into a thriving community of trailblazing alumnae who have carried forward the founders' vision. These alumnae have become leaders across a wide range of fields, their achievements reflecting the strength of the school’s community and the enduring value of a La Pietra education.

"Sixty years ago, a small (very small by today’s standards) group of girls gathered at Central Union Church to begin what would become probably the most important years of their lives… and Hawai‘i School for Girls was born," wrote Laurie (Groner) Tillett '67. "That was my sophomore year, and I was one of the three in the first graduating class (1967). The three of us supported each other as Mr. Pynchon and the other professors taught us the most important skills of all: how to think, how to process information and determine outcomes and logical conclusions, as well as how to adapt to changing situations."

Laurie (Groner) Tillett '67 (far right), Mr. Pynchon, and the first graduating class of Hawai‘i School for Girls in 1967.

The milestone anniversary celebration took place in the school’s Fountain Courtyard, where students, faculty, staff, and trustees gathered to mark the occasion. The community sang “Happy Birthday” to the school and performed the alma mater, “La Pietra Days,” a powerful reminder of the memories, friendships, and lessons that have shaped the La Pietra experience for decades.

“This anniversary is not only a moment to reflect on our rich history, but also a chance to look forward,” said Head of School Jennifer Grems. “We continue to evolve and embrace new challenges, preparing the next generation of women leaders with the same spirit of courage and curiosity that has always defined La Pietra.”

As La Pietra embarks on the next chapter of its journey, the school remains committed to innovation and leadership in education. “The future holds limitless possibilities,” Grems added. “We are excited to continue inspiring and nurturing young women who will shape the world of tomorrow.”


Watch to learn about the unique advantages of an all-girls education at La Pietra.

At La Pietra – Hawai‘i School for Girls, our mission is to educate young women to lead a life of purpose. Now, more than ever, an all-girls education provides students an opportunity to become confident, successful and resilient young women, giving them a voice and identity of their own.

Fostering Her Voice 

Nearly 87% of girls’ school students feel their opinions are respected at their school compared to only 58% of girls at coeducational schools. 

Developing Leadership Skills 

93% of girls’ school graduates say they were offered greater leadership opportunities than coeducated peers and 80% have held leadership positions since graduating from high school. 

Increasing Interest & Confidence in STEM

Girls’ school graduates are six times more likely to consider majoring in math, science, and technology compared to girls who attended coeducational schools.

learn more

Posted in the category School News.