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6th Grade Class Wins 2021 Plant a Seed Participation Competition

November 1st, 2021

6th-graders celebrate their teamwork with adorable cupcakes!

Congratulations to the 6th grade class, this year's winner of the Plant a Seed participation competition! The 6th grade really came through with amazing and persistent teamwork to support our Annual Fund -- one dollar at a time! 

Mahalo to all of the students and families who made a gift to the program this month. It was a tight race for sure with the 8th grade coming in at 94% participation and the 11th grade coming in at 82%.

We are thrilled to announce that we reached 74% participation within our school community, beating last year's number of 68%! 


6th grade class wins the 2021 Plant a Seed competition with 96% participation

Grade 6:96%
Grade 7:69%
Grade 8:94%
Grade 9:65%
Grade 10:56%
Grade 11:82%
Grade 12:54%

Overall Participation: 74%

cupcakes for teamwork!

6th-graders collect their cupcake prizes during lunch from Ms. King and Mrs. Lee

Director of Advancement Leah Lee says she had 6th graders coming to her office throughout the month, ready to make their own donations to the Annual Fund to help support their class participation. During the annual campaign, our goal is to reach 100% participation amongst our La Pietra community, not a certain dollar amount. The 6th graders are a perfect example of this and really took that sentiment to heart!

To celebrate their teamwork, the 6th graders were awarded cupcakes from Honu Bakery. They had their choice of a kitten or a puppy cupcake and collected their prizes during lunch. 

Mahalo to the students and families from all grades who made their Plant a Seed gift during the month of October! Your support of our school community means the world to us. Thanks to you, we can continue to raise women of purpose, on purpose.

Posted in the category School News.