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La Pietra Math Classes Celebrate "Twos-Day"

February 22nd, 2022

Students in Ms. Ota's math classes create equations for "Twos-Day"

Not only is it Tuesday, but it's also "Twos-Day!" In honor of the palindrome date, 2/22/22, Ms. Carole Ota's Geometry and 7th grade math class put together some special equations. All of the solutions, of course, contain the number two!

As a palindrome, the date reads the same backwards, forwards and no matter where you are in the world — regardless of the date format your country uses. In fact, every day this week will be a palindrome date.


Ms. Ota took the celebration to the next level by sending out an email to the La Pietra community at 2:22 p.m., wishing everyone a very happy "Twos-Day." The ultimate palindrome will actually occur three times throughout the day: 2:22 a.m., 2:22 p.m. and at 10:22 p.m. (22:22 military time).

Take a moment (or two) to relish in the day's fun, as another "Twos-Day" won't happen again until 2422 according to the National Weather Service. That's another 400 years form now!

Posted in the category School News.