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Sophomore wins Silver Award in National Chinese Poster Contest

May 12th, 2022

Chinese Culture students win awards in CLASS National Poster Contest

As part of Ms. Miya Huang's Chinese Culture class this term, students entered the Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools' (CLASS) Inaugural National Poster Contest. The theme for the posters was "Chinese and Me," each reflecting the Chinese culture in a prominent way, both through drawings and Chinese characters.

Artwork submitted to the CLASS National Poster Contest by Ms. Huang's Chinese Culture students

For her poster depicting her Taiwanese and Chinese heritage, sophomore Remy K.'s poster earned a Silver Award in the national contest! It's her third year studying Chinese, and the subject is one of her favorite classes. You can learn more about what Remy likes about La Pietra's unique learning environment in a video here

"I really enjoy my Chinese class," Remy said. "It's a small class, but it's really fun because we get the one-on-one learning."

Ms. Huang's Chinese Culture students with their CLASS National Poster Contest entries

A number of students in Ms. Huang's Chinese Culture class were also recognized for their posters and received Honorable Mention awards. These went to sophomores Ava A., Elyssa A., Nina B., and Hannah H.

Congratulations and well done to all of the students in Ms. Huang's class for representing themselves and the Chinese culture so well!

Posted in the category School News.